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St. Cuthbert and the First Martyrs' Catholic Primary School

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Staffing 2023-24


Mr J Devlin

Executive Headteacher

Mrs C Varley

Head of School

Mrs U Senyk-Bridge

Mrs C Varley

Miss E Bindley


Nursery Team


Mrs E Marenghi

Mrs V Ssettaba

Mrs S Hussain

Reception Team

Mrs J Bates

Mrs L Brooker

Year 1 Team

Miss M Pearson-Maybank

Mrs I Gilmartin 

Year 2 Team 


Miss V Pickles

Mrs M Olby 

Year 3 Team

Miss A Ferrara

Mrs L Spinks 

Mrs K Robinson 

Year 4 Team

Mrs A Nugba

 Mrs S Richards

Year 5 Team

Mrs E Banks

Miss S Asquith 

Year 6 Team

Mrs E Green

Miss H Regan

Mrs T Idris

SENCO/Deputy Safeguarding Lead

'The Nest' (SEN) Team

Mrs J Bamford

Outreach and Attendance

  Miss S Asquith

Mrs S Nazir

Nurture Team

Mrs K Caine

Mrs M Smith

Mr R Swales

Site Manager

Mrs E Groves-Jones

Swimming Teacher




Mr M Moriarty Chair of Local Academy Council

Ms S Cartin


Mrs C Varley

Head of School 

Mrs J McGovern

Foundation AC

Mrs C Bolland

Foundation AC

Mrs C Obasi

Foundation AC

Miss M Pearson-Maybank

Elected Staff AC

Mrs N Mukhtar

Elected Parent AC

Mr E Nwofe

Elected Parent AC

Mrs C Bussingham

Trust Board Representative