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St. Cuthbert and the First Martyrs' Catholic Primary School

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Volunteer Documentation

If you are interested in volunteering at school, or have any questions about volunteering, please contact the school office in person, by phone: 01274 543445 or by email at office@scfm.bcwcat.co.uk

If we have a vacancy,  you will then be asked to fill in a Volunteer Application Form which can be accessed here.

The recruitment process for a volunteer is virtually the same as an employee.  We will request, and follow up, on two references. Proof of right to work in the UK will be required. There are lots of safeguarding and health and safety documents to read and volunteers will have to undergo child protection and safeguarding training.

The following documents are to be read and understood:  (Awaiting update)

The School/Trust Safeguarding &  Child Protection Policy here

School Behaviour Policy here

Staff Handbook here

School Whistleblowing Policy here

KCSiE Part 1 & Annex B here

What to do if you are worried a child is being abused here

Volunteer Handbook here

Swimming Observer Policy here

Trust Volunteer Policy  here

Volunteer Agreement  here

Volunteer Privacy Notice here


Safeguarding Training:

Safeguarding training is delivered in various ways and is updated annually.  Dependant upon a volunteer's start date, this training will take place  in school, on line or a transcript of actual training.

Prevent training can be accessed here:  https://www.support-people-vulnerable-to-radicalisation.service.gov.uk/