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St. Cuthbert and the First Martyrs' Catholic Primary School

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Physical Education (PE)


At St Cuthbert & The First Martyrs we believe every child has the right to a high-quality physical education. Our vision is to provide children with the knowledge, skills and motivation needed to excel in a range of sports. Our P.E curriculum allows children to understand the benefits of having a healthy and active lifestyle to ensure all children leave our school with good habits and healthy attitudes which they will take with them into adulthood. 

P.E is taught once weekly, supplemented by ‘The PE Hub’ planning scheme. Year groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 also swim once a week for the full year, with Reception and Year 6 joining swimming in summer term. Through a variety of sports and physical activities, children learn the skills required to use their bodies effectively and efficiently, understand how their body moves to affect their performance and the importance of a healthy and fit lifestyle. Children have the opportunity to enjoy being physically active and take part in different activities and situations alone, in small groups and in teams.  

Implementation and impact 

PE is taught by the whole class throughout all year groups and follows ‘The PE Hub’ scheme of work. Lesson plans provided by the hub provide the class teacher with a starter activity, skill development, main activity, teaching points and key questions. Each class has a timetabled lesson of 60 minutes per week throughout the academic year which should be taught by the class teacher. Children will attend school on their PE day dressed in their PE kit to allow more time to be spent on the lesson itself.  

In Early Years, children begin to learn to show control and coordination in large and small movements. They build their confidence in moving in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. Fundamental skills such as working cooperatively and taking turns are embedded through fun games. These skills are not limited to PE lessons and should also be taught and embedded through outdoor continuous provision. 

In Key Stage One, children continue to develop fundamental movement skills, becoming increasingly competent and confident when accessing a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination. They will begin to engage in competitive and co-operative physical activities.  

In Key Stage Two, children will apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They will communicate, work collaboratively and competitively with each other. They will develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to recognise and evaluate their own successes.  

PE Hub - Head, Hands, Heart 

The PE Hub’s curriculum has been written to encompass all these factors following afPE's model of Head, Hands, Heart: 

Head - The thinker; confident, deep learner and decision-maker.  

Hand - The physical being; physically competent, physically active and competitive.  

Heart - The behaviour changer; developing socially and emotionally, involved and engaged, developing character and values, leading a healthy active lifestyle. 

PE Long Term Plan (2024-2025)




Years 1 – 5 have a timetabled swimming lesson of 45 minutes a week throughout the academic year. Swimming is taught by the swimming teacher (Emma Groves-Jones) in groups. Reception will begin to swim weekly from the summer term. Year 6 will swim in the summer term and will usually go to St Bede’s and St Joseph’s for their lesson.