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St. Cuthbert and the First Martyrs' Catholic Primary School

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PIW - Parental Involvement Worker

My name is Mrs Farrell and I am the Parental Involvement Worker for St Cuthbert & First Martyrs’ School. My role is to make it easier for parents and carers to become involved with school and create a strong school relationship.

I am able to provide support for pupils and families from Nursery right the way through to the end of Year 6. Support can be offered in a variety of ways, from a chat in school about anything that may be affecting your child or your family to referrals to a variety of agencies such as the school nurse, children’s centres or other services specialising in working with families. We are committed to safeguarding our pupils and work with parents, carers and external agencies to do this.

One of the main areas of support is ensuring that children attend school regularly, this means achieving the target of at least 97% attendance. As a school we work with parents and carers to promote good attendance and are always on hand to offer support and guidance where necessary. If you have any issues around your child’s attendance please contact me for a chat.

I am available to speak to in school every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 8.45am – 9.15am and 3.15pm – 3.45pm.

I am available outside of these times by appointment. You can contact me through the school office either by dropping in, by telephone on 01274 543445 or by email jfarrell@stcuthberts.bradford.sch.uk