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St. Cuthbert and the First Martyrs' Catholic Primary School

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Mini Vinnies

Society of St Vincent de Paul

'Mini Vinnies' are children aged between 7 to 11 (or younger) who, with the permission of their parents and the support of their Schools, are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible 'Vincentians for life'.

Those wishing to become a Mini Vinnie are invited to apply in school to

Mrs Garbus and Mrs Bolland and state how they would carry out good deeds in the community. 

Mini Vinnies is about doing good works in the community. The Mini Vinnies model of ‘See, Think, Do’ is a great way to get young people thinking and talking about their spirituality; by connecting their beliefs and values with service activities and issues in their community, they can help to make their faith real, meaningful and relevant.

‘Our Mini Vinnies’ group meet every Tuesday lunchtime and are always busy planning on how they can reach out to the people in need in our community. Over the past few years our Mini Vinnies have struggled to come together and fulfil their duties because of the pandemic. Nevertheless, they are now back together, showing real dedication.

 This year, they have organised different fundraising events to raise money for The Good Shepherd Appeal during Lent.

Welcome to the current Mini Vinnies team of 2021/2022

We were visited on Wednesday 16th February 2022 by Mrs Anne Balson from the St Vincent de Paul Society, who took part in our Commissioning ceremony of this year’s Mini Vinnie group. Mrs Balson spoke to Key Stage 2 about the work that she does and welcomed our Mini Vinnies to the SVP.

Our projects so far include:

Pancake Day

On Tuesday 1st March 2022, our Mini Vinnies sold pancakes to the whole school in just one morning! They provided a delicious array of toppings and had many happy customers, staff included! The Mini Vinnies met at lunchtime on the same day to count all of the money. They raised a fabulous amount of £61.40!

Cake Sale

On Tuesday 8th March, the Mini Vinnies organised and ran the Year 5 and 6 cake sale. Year 5 and 6 provided some delicious look cakes; more than enough to feed the whole school! All classes brought money to buy cakes. The Mini Vinnies set up the tables, served the children cakes and counted all of the money raised. This time, they made the magnificent amount of £122.95!

Future Projects

Our future project is to support Mrs Bates with the upcoming chocolate tombola. Watch this space!

We would like to say a big thank you to all our school community for being so generous and helping us achieve our goals!

turning concern into action.pdf